Actions speak louder than words. You have heard this before, and are content thinking you have seen this being practiced. I am here to present to you a slightly different perspective of this phrase. What we know is this: If you only make claims of your actions, rather than making the actions no one is going to buy this. If you make something happen, and then speak about it (or not speak at all), the idea is understood instantly by the receiver.
What we usually don’t realize is that the actions are not always visible things. Like you need not build a Taj Mahal to show how much you love someone. If you try, then perhaps you’ll be on you deathbed when it gets completed, resulting in a glorious defeat of your purpose. Neither do expensive gifts nor greeting cards help.
So what helps then? The answer is surprisingly inside you. Nature has built in us, a wonderful system that can transmit and receive subliminal messages(Wikipedia). It is a tried and tested method, and works every time, with everyone. No exceptions (unless you are talking to a certified dead man). These methods are often known to be misused, but it does not rule out the fact that we constantly receive powerful messages sub-consciously. Let me present it to you with simple examples/proof.
Mr. Cesar Millan – The 'Dog Whisperer'. One of the most admired personalities, for his work on canine dynamics. The Dog Whisperer episodes are aired everyday at noon on NGC, where Cesar goes about solving his clients' problems with their pet dogs. An excellent show, with a very practical approach! The issues with pet dogs, he states, is not due to the dogs, but due to the humans who owns them. Almost everyday, on the show, you could see dogs disobeying their owners.
Cesar's usual solution is: Don’t just throw words at dogs, they don’t understand them, but really mean what you say, and the dog will follow. Cast a mental projection. It happens every time. Whatever kind of energy you project mentally, the dog reacts/adapts to that energy. Words are useless. Humans, too are capable of understanding subliminal messages, and the fact it that these messages are more powerful than the equivalent word used to describe them.
The mental projection of your ‘state of mind’ is what you are really speaking, and not the words you use at any given moment. Hypnotists use this technique. Psychologists have written volumes on it. Yet, we seldom comprehend/use these techniques for a better life for ourself and the ones around us. It is really simple! Just own a pet dog! :)
In Thailand, Buddhist monks run a tiger conservation project, where they rescue tigers, and grow them as pets (see tigertemple). Wow! With a little googling, you’ll find that the techniques followed by these monks are similar to Cesar’s. ‘Calm submission through mental projections’. With humans, our intent is not ‘calm submission’ but understanding the reasons for the ‘misunderstandings’. You sure want to know everything that you have spoken to the other person.
A certain Mr. X loves a girl, but he claims that he doesn’t. The girl doesn’t love him. Mr. X’s words claim that he has nothing to do with her, but one way or other he ends up messing things up even more with her. His actions speak. She receives it and reacts instinctively (or perhaps consciously), but he doesn’t get it. Mr. X seriously believes in the ‘actions speak louder’ stuff, and often boasts his professional successes due to it.
What he doesn’t realize is that he is so messed up man!! I mean, how can you not understand English if you claim to be a professor of English? He often blames people of inconsistencies in their actions and words (‘frank feedback’ he claims), but he doesn’t ever listen people’s ‘frank-feedback’ about his inconsistencies.

Mr. X, sure remains a major customer at the Stupidity-Super-Sale-Centre, and he consistently manages to make a grand mess of things by speaking about things that deserve better communication without words rather than the lesser method of verbalization.
Space is less, and topic huge. Some more for later...

So what helps then? The answer is surprisingly inside you. Nature has built in us, a wonderful system that can transmit and receive subliminal messages(Wikipedia). It is a tried and tested method, and works every time, with everyone. No exceptions (unless you are talking to a certified dead man). These methods are often known to be misused, but it does not rule out the fact that we constantly receive powerful messages sub-consciously. Let me present it to you with simple examples/proof.
Mr. Cesar Millan – The 'Dog Whisperer'. One of the most admired personalities, for his work on canine dynamics. The Dog Whisperer episodes are aired everyday at noon on NGC, where Cesar goes about solving his clients' problems with their pet dogs. An excellent show, with a very practical approach! The issues with pet dogs, he states, is not due to the dogs, but due to the humans who owns them. Almost everyday, on the show, you could see dogs disobeying their owners.
Cesar's usual solution is: Don’t just throw words at dogs, they don’t understand them, but really mean what you say, and the dog will follow. Cast a mental projection. It happens every time. Whatever kind of energy you project mentally, the dog reacts/adapts to that energy. Words are useless. Humans, too are capable of understanding subliminal messages, and the fact it that these messages are more powerful than the equivalent word used to describe them.
The mental projection of your ‘state of mind’ is what you are really speaking, and not the words you use at any given moment. Hypnotists use this technique. Psychologists have written volumes on it. Yet, we seldom comprehend/use these techniques for a better life for ourself and the ones around us. It is really simple! Just own a pet dog! :)
In Thailand, Buddhist monks run a tiger conservation project, where they rescue tigers, and grow them as pets (see tigertemple). Wow! With a little googling, you’ll find that the techniques followed by these monks are similar to Cesar’s. ‘Calm submission through mental projections’. With humans, our intent is not ‘calm submission’ but understanding the reasons for the ‘misunderstandings’. You sure want to know everything that you have spoken to the other person.
A certain Mr. X loves a girl, but he claims that he doesn’t. The girl doesn’t love him. Mr. X’s words claim that he has nothing to do with her, but one way or other he ends up messing things up even more with her. His actions speak. She receives it and reacts instinctively (or perhaps consciously), but he doesn’t get it. Mr. X seriously believes in the ‘actions speak louder’ stuff, and often boasts his professional successes due to it.
What he doesn’t realize is that he is so messed up man!! I mean, how can you not understand English if you claim to be a professor of English? He often blames people of inconsistencies in their actions and words (‘frank feedback’ he claims), but he doesn’t ever listen people’s ‘frank-feedback’ about his inconsistencies.

Mr. X, sure remains a major customer at the Stupidity-Super-Sale-Centre, and he consistently manages to make a grand mess of things by speaking about things that deserve better communication without words rather than the lesser method of verbalization.
Space is less, and topic huge. Some more for later...
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