I was expecting two of my friends to reach my place soon after I reached my home after work. Their car's tyre had gone flat, but they would be back anytime now... So I kept waiting, and drifted into sleep. When I woke up, it was about 9:00 p.m, and the phone was ringing. My colleague with his wife and kiddo invited me over to see what they had shopped a few days back. "I'm expecting my friends to arrive anytime" I told them. But they insisted.
So I went downstairs to meet them. I rang the doorbell, and my colleague's wife opened the door with the usual 'happy evening' (or morning, as the case usually is). I also wished, and stepped in.
Yikes!! Out of nowhere, jumped the crowd of four in front of me. My two friends screamed out to shock the heavens out of me, while my colleague and his kid and wife joined the commotion - "Happy birthday" they wished me in unison, followed by unstopping clamor of giggles and laughter.
Still recovering from sleep, I found myself speechless...
There it was, on the table - The Cake!
How beeaauuttiful! :)
The candles - There were small sparkles as they burnt. I spent 5 full minutes to blow them off, as they would light again and again as if someone had magically modified it to keep burning for ever. What a lovely way to convey their wishes!
After cake-cutting, cake-feeding and cake-fight, we had a grand dinner, starting from junk food, juice, main course, ending in desserts. Phew! What an experience it was, for the commotion never stopped at the dinner table. The surprises were not over yet. While having dinner, there came the big box of gift!
Man! I was entirely flabbergasted! When did they plan all this??
At the end of it all, when we got up to leave, I was so overwhelmed at their love, I was finding hard to swallow my emotions. I merely managed to say a broken 'thank... you...', and, left with others...
The after-taste of the events still lingers around fresh in my mind; and on my taste buds. This, for sure is a home away from home!
So I went downstairs to meet them. I rang the doorbell, and my colleague's wife opened the door with the usual 'happy evening' (or morning, as the case usually is). I also wished, and stepped in.
Yikes!! Out of nowhere, jumped the crowd of four in front of me. My two friends screamed out to shock the heavens out of me, while my colleague and his kid and wife joined the commotion - "Happy birthday" they wished me in unison, followed by unstopping clamor of giggles and laughter.
Still recovering from sleep, I found myself speechless...
There it was, on the table - The Cake!

The candles - There were small sparkles as they burnt. I spent 5 full minutes to blow them off, as they would light again and again as if someone had magically modified it to keep burning for ever. What a lovely way to convey their wishes!
After cake-cutting, cake-feeding and cake-fight, we had a grand dinner, starting from junk food, juice, main course, ending in desserts. Phew! What an experience it was, for the commotion never stopped at the dinner table. The surprises were not over yet. While having dinner, there came the big box of gift!
Man! I was entirely flabbergasted! When did they plan all this??
At the end of it all, when we got up to leave, I was so overwhelmed at their love, I was finding hard to swallow my emotions. I merely managed to say a broken 'thank... you...', and, left with others...
The after-taste of the events still lingers around fresh in my mind; and on my taste buds. This, for sure is a home away from home!
1 comment:
We yearn for love, no matter where we are. Away from home, friends and colleagues are the only support we have. Enjoy the present of caring friendship.
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